Miss Pimphida Vidchayapimjura from the Project Coordination Office of “The Product Development Innovative House” under Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI) and her team together with Mr. Piyadej Ganlayanamit, Chiang Mai Fresh Co., Ltd. have visited and discussed on the progress of Mahachanok Mango Project at Manose Health and Beauty Research Center.
On 2nd September 2019, during 09.30 – 11.30 AM, Miss Pimphida Vidchayapimjura from the Project Coordination Office of “The Product Development Innovative House” under Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI) and her team together with Mr. Piyadej Ganlayanamit, Chiang Mai Fresh Co., Ltd. have visited and discussed on the progress of Mahachanok Mango Project with Professor Dr. Jiradej Manosroi (CEO) Professor Dr. Aranya Manosroi (MD) and Dr. Charinya Chankhampan, the Research & Development Director at Manose Health and Beauty Research Center, Chiang Mai, Thailand.