Happy New Year 2023
On the occasion of New Year 2023, Manose Health and Beauty Research Center would like to wish you a Happy New Year. Thank you very much for your interest and trust in our services. We are very pleased to offer you the services in research and development of natural products, analysis of compounds, biological activity tests, actives and products from natural products for sale, and also the consulting, trouble shooting, development of the research plan and the research and development services for natural extracts. We also provide the extracts and formulas of cosmetics, drugs and food supplements which have been researched and developed by our research center that are ready to be transferred the technology to you to produce in industrial scale for commercialization. If you are interested and for more information, please contact us and see our website : www.manose.co/ www.manoseglobal.com
For our long experiences of over 46 years in research and development in an international level, our Manose Health and Beauty Research Center is looking forward to having more collaboration with you and your organization to contribute to the achievement of your mission.
Wishing you and your family as well as your colleagues and organization happiness, prosperity and healthy for the coming New Year 2023.
Thank you very much.
MANOSĒ Health and Beauty Research Center (www.manose.co)
29 December 2022