Executive Board
Prof. Dr. Jiradej Manosroi
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Prof. Dr. Aranya Manosroi
Managing Director (MD)
Consultant Committee
Prof. Dr. Rolf G. Werner
Former Senior Vice President Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH
Ingelheim, Germany
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Götz
Former Head Department of Microbial Genetics, Tübingen
University, Tübingen Germany
Prof. Dr. Masahiko Abe
Director of Acteive Company
Professor Emeritus at Tokyo
University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Mrs. Sarah Hueller
Scientific Project Expert, Germany
Prof. Dr. Toshihiro Akihisa
College of Science and Technology
Nihon University, Japan
Dr. Fabio Soldati, Pharmacist
Dr.Sc.nat. ETH Former Director of Scientific Coordination HCA,
Health Care (Pharmaton), Switzerland
Mr. Sukawat Ammaruekkhachon
Managing Director of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Supply Limited Parthership, Thailand
Mr. Somneuk Suchaitanawanich
Manager of Traditional Thai Medicine
Development Center, The Institute of
Thai Traditional Medicine
Department for Development of Thai
Traditional and Alternative Medicine